I have added a Stock Review spreadsheet that was originally provided by Duke and I fixed some of the data items that he was getting from a different source.
It pulls data from many places such as:
It is in the template section of the SMF web site.
I have added a Stock Review spreadsheet that was originally provided by Duke and I fixed some of the data items that he was getting from a different source.
It pulls data from many places such as:
It is in the template section of the SMF web site.
This new release has fixes for:
smfGetOptionExpiry & smfGetOptionStrikes.
A member found the issue was with the crumb processing and provided code for processing that.
I have updated the web site https://climbermel.github.io/SMF_Add-in/
A word of caution!
It is always a good idea to back up you C:\SMF Add-In folder before updating.For example: copy C:\SMF Add-In to C:\Old Add-In
That way if it doesn't work as planned you can just copy it back...
MelThere have been a number of comments that this is not working. Bruce found that it is due to an invalid crumb. So he has created some code changes that will utilize the Invoke =RCHGetWebData with TYPE(4) param for Yahoo options url.
and Add "?" to end of url if no other params used so "&crumb= ..." can be processed.
I am testing the two code changes and if they have no issues, will build a new add-in and distribute.
This new release has fixes for: module smfGetOptionQuotes A member (Bruce) found the issue was with the crumb processing and provided cod...