Monday, May 8, 2023

SMF new Add-In version 3.0.2023.05.08

I have posted an updated version 3.0.2023.05.08 to the website
The new version
I also documented my babblings while working on it for any coders that want to check it out.  It is on GitHub Issue #27

I fixed a few more broken links such as the "Install the Add-In" link and others.
I'm also putting together a document on how to update / create an Excel Add-in for any that want to update their own version of the XLA file.

The fix changes the v7 to v6 (turns out the Export button on Yahoo Finance Portfolio page also changed to use that).  I also changed it in smf-elements-22.txt as it is a Constant for Yahoo Portfolio View.

I'm thing that may be able to be incorporated into some of the other modules so if there are changes to Yahoo's base URLs, it could be changed in there instead of always creating a new XLA file... just an idea.  It would take some coding and testing to incorporate it, but I use external files for other programs all the time so it might help.


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SMF new Add-In version 3.0.2024.04.29

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