This new release has added functionality for smfGetYahooJSONData to work with 64bit Excel.
Thanks again to the growing help from the group. This add-in is definitely becoming a group effort. There are a number of fixed elements that have been submitted and are in the new smf-elements2.txt and smf-elements9.txt
I have updated the web site
A word of caution!
If you don't use the function smfGetYahooJSONData or if you don't use 64bit Excel, you may not want to use this change. You can still extract the element files to update those without changing you xla file.
It is always a good idea to back up you C:\SMF Add-In folder before updating.
For example: copy C:\SMF Add-In to C:\Old Add-In
That way if it doesn't work as planned you can just copy it back...