Thursday, May 25, 2023

Now smfGetYahooPortfolioView has broken

 I put in fixes for one function and Yahoo breaks another!

So smfGetYahooPortfolioView started out as being flaky... It would work then it would give an error, then work... 

Today I can't get anything using the API to work.  The json response for YahooPortfolio gives a 404 not found or unauthorized access depending on how you try to access it.

I found this developer feedbak form:

Yahoo Finance | API Feedback
We’re sorry for the inconvenience, but API-level access to Yahoo Finance quotes data has been disabled.

Yahoo Finance licenses data from 3rd-party providers that do not currently authorize us to redistribute these data in API form. Licenses that authorize redistribution come with a greater cost that varies depending on a number of factors, including whether the data is for personal or commercial use, the type of data, the volume of queries, and additional features which may be available.

We would appreciate your feedback to ensure that we can continue to serve your needs. By understanding your intended use of these API data, we will be better able to acquire the appropriate licenses. We appreciate your feedback, and we read every response.

What types of data are you interested in accessing via an API?
Please select all that apply.
What kind of applications have you developed that used API data?
Please select all that apply.
Is the application you developed for personal or commercial use?
Would you be willing to pay for API data access?
If yes, what price per month (US dollars) would you be willing to pay?

Again, we are sorry for the inconvenience, and we thank you for your feedback.  If you would like to help us craft this new API service, please provide your email address so that we may contact you.

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

ZACKS Elements fixed

 I have fixed a number of Zacks data elements.  I was able to fix 852 that was marked Obsolete and I also added some new elements for the Earnings ESP.

The ESP (Expected Surprise Prediction) only had the current ESP 13894.  I added 13897 - 13899 for the ESP previous Quarter, 2 Quarter previous and 3 Quarters previous


Here are the fixes added to smf-elements-20.txt for now:

844;Zacks;Style Scores, Value;=smfGetTagContent("","span",-1,"rank_view","rank_view","composite_val")
845;Zacks;Style Scores, Growth;=smfGetTagContent("","span",2,"rank_view","rank_view","composite_val")
846;Zacks;Style Scores, Momentum;=smfGetTagContent("","span",4,"rank_view","rank_view","composite_val")
847;Zacks;Style Scores, VGM;=smfGetTagContent("","span",6,"rank_view","rank_view","composite_val")
848;Zacks;Zacks Rank;=smfGetTagContent("","p",-1,"rank_view",,,,,,,,"<span")
852;Zacks;Rank Within Industry;=smfGetTagContent("","a",-1,"rank_view","rank_view","rank_view","stocks/industry-rank")
13869;Zacks;Market Capitalization;=smfGetTagContent("","span",1,">Market Cap")
13871;Zacks;Current Year Estimate;=smfGetTagContent("","dd",1,">Current Yr Est")
13872;Zacks;EPS Last Year;=smfGetTagContent("","dd",1,">Prior Year EPS<")
13873;Zacks;Zacks Recommendation;="Obsolete -- No data found"
13893;Zacks;Next Earnings Date;=smfstrExtr(smfGetTagContent("","dd",-1,"spl_sup_text"),"","~")
13894;Zacks;Earnings Expected Surprise Prediction current;=smfGetTagContent("","span",1,">Earnings ESP Stocks")
13897;Zacks;Earnings Expected Surprise Prediction prev Qtr;=smfGetTagContent("","span",2,">Earnings ESP Stocks")
13898;Zacks;Earnings Expected Surprise Prediction 2Q prev;=smfGetTagContent("","span",3,">Earnings ESP Stocks")
13899;Zacks;Earnings Expected Surprise Prediction3Q prev;=smfGetTagContent("","span",4,">Earnings ESP Stocks")

Saturday, May 20, 2023

SMF new Add-In version 3.0.2023.05.20


I have posted an updated version 3.0.2023.05.20 to the website
The new version fixes these errors.  New processing added to modGetTagContent. smfGetTagContent to handle element 848 and smf-elements-6.txt updated to fix element 13892.

The issues are detailed on GitHub
Issue #31    RCHGetElement #13892 is wrong 
Issue #32    RCHGetElement #848 is wrong

Monday, May 8, 2023

SMF new Add-In version 3.0.2023.05.08

I have posted an updated version 3.0.2023.05.08 to the website
The new version
I also documented my babblings while working on it for any coders that want to check it out.  It is on GitHub Issue #27

I fixed a few more broken links such as the "Install the Add-In" link and others.
I'm also putting together a document on how to update / create an Excel Add-in for any that want to update their own version of the XLA file.

The fix changes the v7 to v6 (turns out the Export button on Yahoo Finance Portfolio page also changed to use that).  I also changed it in smf-elements-22.txt as it is a Constant for Yahoo Portfolio View.

I'm thing that may be able to be incorporated into some of the other modules so if there are changes to Yahoo's base URLs, it could be changed in there instead of always creating a new XLA file... just an idea.  It would take some coding and testing to incorporate it, but I use external files for other programs all the time so it might help.


Friday, May 5, 2023

New version in progress


I'm testing all the affected modules and I hope to have a new version of the add-in put together later today.  I'll let you know as soon as I have it posted to the website.

For any interested in GitHub or the process of dealing with a code fix, here is the issue on GitHub.  I'll track the process and changes on there.


SMF issue with Yahoo Portfolio

 Many of the users in reported yesterday that there were issues with the smfGetYahooPortfolioView module.

 One user noted that if the v7 in the URL = "" was changed to v6 it works.

The v7 is used in 14 occurrences throughout the code base and in the following modules (occurrences):

  • smfGetOptionExpirations (1)
  • smfGetOptionStrikes (3)
  • RCHGetYahooHistory2 (1)
  • smfGetYahooJSONField (1)
  • RCHGetYahooQuotes (2)
  • smfGetYahooHistory (1)
  • smfGetYahooHistoryCSV (2)
  • smfGetYahooPortfolioView (1)
  • RCHGetYahooQuotes-Function.htm (web documentation)
  • smf-elements-22.txt (elements file for module RCHGetElementNumber)

 I think RCHGetYahooHistory2 is no longer in use.  I should look at removing some of that deprecated code, but it will be a lot of work the way everything is so intertwined.

Once I check these modules to see if the change in URL should be done for all, I will create a new add-in version and upload it to the website:

SMF new Add-In version 3.0.2024.04.29

  This new release has fixes for: module smfGetOptionQuotes A member (Bruce) found the issue was with the crumb processing and provided cod...